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    Chinese Medicine

January 14, 2021

Dry Eyes Relief: A Personal Experience

Excessive and prolonged exposure blue light that emits from our gadgets and computer
machine can cause serious eye problems. In fact this condition is called the “ computer
vision syndrome”. Symptoms include blurred vision, headache and dry eyes. But if your
work revolves around computers and spend long periods of time looking at the screen?
Is there anything you
can do to avoid dry eyes?

Follow the 20/20/20 rule. To keep your eyes moist and comfortable, you need to take
a 20-second break from your digital device. Do it every 20 minutes and look at an object
20 feet away. You can also set an alarm on your smartphone as a reminder.

Additionally, a humidifier adds moisture to dry indoor air. You might considering having one.

Try also not to stare on your computer or gadget screen for too long. Make an effort to blink
frequently. And try to keep your computer at an arm’s length away.

Moreover, do not slouch over and press your face too near to the screen. Try to hold your
devices at least 20 inches from your eyes.

You can also take supplements like omega 3 and vitamin A. These can really help promote
optimal eye health. You may also take chrysanthemum and eyebright tea which are popular
natural remedies for restoring eye health.

Furthermore, you can also learn more about how Chinese medicine can help,
call us at 07 3399 1002.
You can also email us at info@artofacupuncture.com.au.

January 13, 2021

Tips on Bloating Caused By Nerves

Bloating is when your belly feels swollen after eating. It can often cause pain, discomfort
and a “stuffed” feeling. Additionally, bloating can be caused by anything. This includes
liver problems, period problems, indigestion or IBS. It can be any of these. Moreover,
without real diagnosis it is difficult to tell what causes your bloating. However, watch
the video to know what you can do to alleviate the symptoms and experience relief
from bloating.

You can learn more about how Chinese medicine can help. 
Call us at 07 3399 1002.
You can also email us at info@artofacupuncture.com.au.

January 11, 2021

Top Alkaline Foods (That I Actually Eat!)

Alkaline foods counter acidity and acid refluxes. They are added to meals to create
a balanced diet. Because of unhealthy lifestyle and poor food choices, we tend to eat
foods that increases stomach acidity. This can lead to many gastric ailments. As such,
alkaline foods keeps that acidity in check. Aside from that, these foods offer several
health benefits.

This includes weight loss. Meanwhile, one of the most notable health benefits of eating
alkaline foods is improved kidney health and cancer prevention. Subsequently, these
power foods can help treat or prevent heart disease;. They can also improve growth
hormone levels and back pain. Additionally, these foods helps in preventing osteoporosis
and in promoting healthy muscles.

Furthermore, you can complement healthy eating habits with holistic treatment such as
acupuncture. To learn more on how Chinese medicine can help  call us at 07 3399 1002.
You can also email us at info@artofacupuncture.com.au.

January 10, 2021

Tips on Cupping Therapy and Vertigo

Cupping therapy is an ancient form of alternative medicine. Practitioners use special cups on the skin to create a suction. It helps patients in relieving pain and reducing inflammation. Additionally, cupping therapy works by promoting blood flow, relaxation and total well-being. Because of its many health benefits, cupping therapy greatly used for musculoskeletal pain, tightness and discomfort. Watch the video to know the other available options for you for vertigo.

In addition, you can also learn more about how Chinese medicine can help 
call us at 07 3399 1002.
You can also email us at info@artofacupuncture.com.au.

January 8, 2021

Partner Massage: How To Massage Hands

How to massage hands? First you need the help of your partner or love one. You can treat
this as your bonding time. A hand massage is quick and easy to do. It provides immediate
health benefits such as improved finger and wrist motion. It can also enhance blood
circulation in your hands.
As a matter of fact, scientific evidence has shown that a regular hand massage helps
ease pain caused by arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome and fibromyalgia. Other health
benefits such as increased hand strength and reduced feelings of stress and anxiety
are also associated with hand massage.

In addition, you can also learn more about how Chinese medicine can help, 
call us at 07 3399 1002.
You can also email us at info@artofacupuncture.com.au.

January 7, 2021

Episode 9: Gallbladder and Digestive Issues

To know more, you can click on https://youtu.be/8J4R20TydXI.
Or visit our Brisbane acupuncture clinic at http://artofacupuncture.com.au.

In addition, you can also learn more about how Chinese medicine can help 
with your gallbladder and digestive issues. You can schedule an appointment by
calling us at 07 3399 1002.
You can also email us at info@artofacupuncture.com.au.

January 7, 2021

Episode 11: How to Improve Sleep

How to improve sleep? And why is it important?

Getting a good night’s sleep is integral to one’s health and wellbeing. This is because
it is when you are sleeping that the body copes with the stress of a long day. In fact,
this is the perfect time for the body to repair itself. Additionally, sleep can also
rejuvenate your physical and mental state.

Here are some of the benefits of getting enough sleep: 

  • Better productivity and concentration
  • Lower weight gain risk
  • Better calorie regulation
  • Greater athletic performance 
  • Lower risk of  heart disease 
  • Increase social and emotional intelligence 
  • Prevent depression
  • Reduce inflammation in the body 
  • Stronger immune system

Thus it is vital that you get adequate sleep. 

To know more, you can click on https://youtu.be/8J4R20TydXI.
Or visit our Brisbane acupuncture clinic at http://artofacupuncture.com.au.

In addition, if you want to learn more about how to improve sleep with Chinese medicine 
or to schedule an appointment call 07 3399 1002.
You can also email us at info@artofacupuncture.com.au.

January 6, 2021

What If the Low Back Pain is at the Center?

Most lower back pain is a result of an injury. A good example is muscle sprains
or strains due to sudden movements. Poor body mechanics while lifting heavy objects
repeatedly over a long period of time can also cause lower back pain.

According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS),
low back pain is the most common cause of job-related disability. At least 80
percent of Americans will experience it in their lifetime. Furthermore,
low back pain can also be a result of certain diseases which include but are not limited
to the following:

– Cancer of the spinal cord.

– A ruptured or herniated disc.

– Sciatica.

– Arthritis.

– Kidney infections.

– Infections of the spine.

To know more, you can click on https://youtu.be/8J4R20TydXI.
Or visit our Brisbane acupuncture clinic at http://artofacupuncture.com.au.

In addition, if you want to learn more about how Chinese medicine can help 
or to schedule an appointment call 07 3399 1002.
You can also email us at info@artofacupuncture.com.au.

January 2, 2021

Bloating: How to Relieve with Acupressure

Bloating is one of the most common symptoms of stress. For some people, stress
translates into breakouts, dry skin, itchy scalp or even migraines. However, for many,
stress seems to affect their gut. You see when you are anxious , overwhelmed or feel
threatened your body switches into “survival mode”. You may have heard it as
“fight-or-flight response.

During this phase, your body produces a series of chemicals to help you “stay safe” and
deal with the threat. During this mode, your body also turns off certain parts that are
not necessary at the moment. Sadly, the digestive system is not a priority function in
times of need. Consequently, food will not be digested properly resulting in a bloated
belly and sometimes a full-on stomachache.

The challenging part is, you are exposed to daily threats. Thus, it is important to take a
deep breath and calm yourself. One of the best ways to de-stress and beat bloating is
through acupuncture. It is a safe and proven effective holistic treatment for healing the

To know more, you can click on https://youtu.be/8J4R20TydXI.
Or visit our Brisbane acupuncture clinic at http://artofacupuncture.com.au.

In addition, if you want to learn more about how Chinese medicine can help 
or to schedule an appointment call 07 3399 1002.
You can also email us at info@artofacupuncture.com.au.

January 1, 2021

Do You Like Chiropractors?

Do I like chiropractors and chiropractic? As a matter of fact, I do. And you should too.
We should love alternative options that promotes natural healing. So what is chiropractic?
Chiropractic is a health care profession which deals with adjustments or manipulations to
the spine or other parts of the body. The goal is to correct alignment problems and ease
the pain. Furthermore, chiropractic support promotes the body’s natural ability to heal
itself. Because of that, chiropractic actually works perfectly in conjunction with acupuncture.

To know more, you can click on https://youtu.be/8J4R20TydXI.
Or visit our Brisbane acupuncture clinic at http://artofacupuncture.com.au.

In addition, if you want to learn more about how Chinese medicine can help 
or to schedule an appointment call 07 3399 1002.
You can also email us at info@artofacupuncture.com.au.
