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    chronic pain relief

February 18, 2021

Top Tips for Sciatica

Licensed Acupuncturist, Bob Wong features top tips for sciatica.

So what is sciatica?

Sciatica is a pain that radiates from and along the path of the sciatic nerve. This nerve
starts from the lower back, then runs deep into the buttocks and travels down the leg.
Now the pain that radiates from these areas is the hallmark of sciatica. Usually, it only
affects one side of the body.

Watch the video for more tips on sciatica.

To know more about how Chinese medicine can help, call us at 07 3399 1002.
You can also send us an email to info@artofacupuncture.com.au.

You can also check our self-care programs and TCM online courses at

Enroll now, and you will get a 50% discount. Just use the promo code 50off.

Join us today!

February 16, 2021

Tips for Chronic Back Pain

This video offers tips on chronic back pain relief. Watch the video to find out more.

Chronic back pain is usually age-related. However, it can also be a result of a prior injury.
Some of the causes include arthritis of the spine, spinal stenosis, disc problems, and
myofascial pain syndrome. In some cases though, it is difficult to pinpoint the cause of
chronic back pain. Thus it is important to not make a rush decision and undergo extensive
medical procedures. Know the origin of the pain first to know your best course of action.

Before that, work with your doctor on reducing pain flare-ups and managing attacks with
nonsurgical treatments. You can opt for physical therapy, meditation, and Chinese medicine
practices like acupuncture. In fact, acupuncture has been an area of interest in western
medicine. This is because this ancient technique is showing impressive results in treating

To know more about how Chinese medicine can help, call 07 3399 1002 or send an email to info@artofacupuncture.com.au.

You can also check our acupressure courses and get 50% off with coupon code: 50off.

Visit https://artofacupunctureacademy.thinkific.com/ for more details.

February 5, 2021

How to Get Rid of Sugar Cravings and Sciatica Pain

The video shows you how to get rid of your sugar cravings. You can use these tips
as part of your weight loss journey. It also talks about acupressure points
for sciatica pain relief.

Moreover, if you want to know more about how Chinese medicine can help,
call 07 3399 1002 or email us at info@artofacupuncture.com.au.

Furthermore, for more self-care and acupressure online courses,
visit https://artofacupunctureacademy.thinkific.com/.
Enroll today and get a 50% discount. Just use the promo code 50off.

February 2, 2021

Instant Relief for Plantar Fasciitis Acupressure

This video shows Plantar Fasciitis acupressure points you can use for instant relief.

Plantar fasciitis (PLAN-tur fas-e-I-tis) is one of the most common causes of heel pain.
It is the inflammation of a thick band of tissue that runs across the bottom of your foot.
It is what connects your heel bone to your toes (plantar fascia).

Additionally, if you have this condition, you will experience a stabbing pain that usually
occurs with your first steps in the morning. It is common on runners or people who are
overweight. People who wear shoes with inadequate heel support might also develop
this condition.

Moreover, if you want to know more about how Chinese medicine can help,
call 07 3399 1002 or email us at info@artofacupuncture.com.au

You can also check our acupressure courses and get 50% off with coupon code: 50off.

Visit https://artofacupunctureacademy.thinkific.com/ for more detail.

January 29, 2021

Trigeminal Neuralgia and Neck Pain

Yes, trigeminal neuralgia can definitely be associated with neck pain. So what is
trigeminal neuralgia?

Trigeminal neuralgia is a chronic pain condition. It affects the trigeminal nerve which is
responsible for transmitting sensation from your face to the brain. If you have trigeminal
neuralgia, even the mildest stimulation to your face may trigger a jolt of excruciating pain.
For instance, simple activities like putting on makeup or brushing the teeth can be a
painful experience.

Initially, during the early phase of this health condition, patients may experience short,
mild attacks. However, as trigeminal neuralgia progresses, it causes longer, more frequent
attacks of searing pain.

Nevertheless, this does not mean you are doomed to a life of pain. There is a variety of
treatments you can choose. The usual treatment involves medication.

However, if you are looking for a more holistic approach in treating excruciating pain.
You may want to consider acupuncture. It is a Chinese medicine practice that has helped
patients recover from trigeminal neuralgia and neck pain. With continued treatment,
patients experience fewer and fewer attacks.

Contact us to know more about how we can help. Call us on 07 3399 1002
or send an email to info@artofacupuncture.com.au.

Moreover, you can also check our acupressure courses and get 50% off with coupon code: 50off.
Visit https://artofacupunctureacademy.thinkific.com/ for more details.

January 27, 2021

Acupressure for Headaches: A DIY Remedy

If you experience frequent headaches, these video is for you.

Headaches are a common health problem. Most people will experience it once in a while.
And sometimes more often than not. Causes of headaches vary. The most common is due
to emotional reasons such as stress, anxiety, and depression. Medical conditions are also
another factor. Headaches are often a symptom of a number of health problems including
migraines and high blood pressure. Another cause could be an injury.

Nevertheless, frequent and severe headaches can affect your quality of life. Hence,
recognizing the cause can help you take appropriate action. Should the headache continue
to persist, consult a physician immediately.

Watch the video to know the acupressure for headache relief. To know more about how
Chinese medicine can help, call us on 07 3399 1002 or send an email to

You can also check our acupressure courses and get 50% off with coupon code: 50off.

Visit https://artofacupunctureacademy.thinkific.com/ for more details.

January 27, 2021

Where to Press for Low Back Pain?

Do you suffer from low back pain? This video shows you the acupressure points for low
back pain relief.

Now the lumbar region is what we commonly know as the lower back. This area starts
below the ribcage down to the upper part of your buttocks. More importantly, it
compromises a remarkable interconnection of joints, bones, ligaments, nerves, and
muscles. This complex structure all works together to provide your body with support,
strength, and flexibility.

However, because of its complex anatomy, this leaves the lumbar region susceptible
to pain and injury. For instance mechanical issues and soft-tissue injuries. These
are also the most common causes of low back pain. Thankfully, you can do something
about the pain.

Thus, watch the video to know the acupressure points for low back pain relief. Should the
pain persists, consult a doctor right away. To know more about how Chinese medicine
can help, call us at 07 3399 1002 or send an email to

You can also check our acupressure courses and get 50% off with coupon code: 50off .

Furthermore, visit https://artofacupunctureacademy.thinkific.com/ for more information.

January 26, 2021

Inner Thigh Pain: Acupressure Relief

Inner thigh pain is a common health problem among adults. Most often, it can be due to
a strained muscle after working out. However, it can also be a sign of something more
serious like a blood clot, hernia, and osteoarthritis to name a few. 

Nevertheless, the pain can range from a dull ache to a burning sensation. Meanwhile,
others have reported having experienced sharp stabbing pain as well. Other symptoms
also include difficulty in walking, swelling, stiffness, and muscle spasms. 

For immediate relief, you can try the inner thigh pain acupressure points shown in the
video. However, should symptoms persist, it is best to consult a physician immediately.
If you are looking for a holistic approach to treating pain, you might want to consider
acupuncture therapy. 

Acupuncture is an alternative medicine that promotes natural healing and wellness. It
promotes blood flow to the affected areas. Additionally, acupuncture stimulates the
release of biochemicals and hormones in the body to heal the root cause of your pain. 

To know more about how Chinese medicine can help, call  07 3399 1002
or send an email to info@artofacupuncture.com.au

January 22, 2021

Migraine Headaches: How To Reduce Pain?

This video shows you how to reduce migraine headaches. A migraine headache is a type
of headache that occurs in the mid-brain area. It is often described as a throbbing or
pulsating pain that begins on one side of the head. The pain can last from 4 hours to
3 days. And you may experience sensitivity to light, sound, and even smell. Nausea
and/or vomiting are also common symptoms accompanying migraine headaches.

To know more about Chinese medicine and how it can help, call 07 3399 1002
or send an email to info@artofacupuncture.com.au

January 21, 2021

GB20 Acupressure Point (The Headache Relief)

This video shows the GB20 Acupressure Point. The GB20 or Gallbladder 20 is located
on the nape. It is the tender spot at the bottom of your head where the neck muscles
are attached to the skull. This acupressure point is great for treating headaches, migraines,
shoulder tension, and neck pain. 

To apply pressure, locate the GB20 point using your thumbs. Then, gently yet firmly press
the point for 5 to 15 seconds. You can also apply pressure in a circular motion. Aside from
headaches, the GB20 acupressure point can also relieve pain and tension in other parts of
the body. Try it. You will love it. 

To know more about how Chinese medicine can help, call us at 07 3399 1002 
or send an email to info@artofacupuncture.com.au
