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    Chinese medicine Practitioner

January 27, 2021

Where to Press for Low Back Pain?

Do you suffer from low back pain? This video shows you the acupressure points for low
back pain relief.

Now the lumbar region is what we commonly know as the lower back. This area starts
below the ribcage down to the upper part of your buttocks. More importantly, it
compromises a remarkable interconnection of joints, bones, ligaments, nerves, and
muscles. This complex structure all works together to provide your body with support,
strength, and flexibility.

However, because of its complex anatomy, this leaves the lumbar region susceptible
to pain and injury. For instance mechanical issues and soft-tissue injuries. These
are also the most common causes of low back pain. Thankfully, you can do something
about the pain.

Thus, watch the video to know the acupressure points for low back pain relief. Should the
pain persists, consult a doctor right away. To know more about how Chinese medicine
can help, call us at 07 3399 1002 or send an email to

You can also check our acupressure courses and get 50% off with coupon code: 50off .

Furthermore, visit https://artofacupunctureacademy.thinkific.com/ for more information.

January 17, 2021

Favourite Neck Stretches (Muscle Tightness Relief)

This video features my favourite neck stretches. These neck stretches can help relieve
muscle tightness and tension. You see, due to poor posture, the head and the neck can
drift forward. Over time, the muscles in the neck and chest shorten and become tight.
This, usually what causes neck and shoulder pain. Fortunately, there are neck stretches
you can do to relieve neck and shoulder tension.

Moreover, these stretches can also help increase flexibility. They can also help improve
the range of motion in your shoulder. Thus making these neck stretches a habit, can help
defuse stress. In fact, adding these stretches to your daily routine can have a positive
effect on your state of mind.

Be sure to watch the video “Favourite Neck Stretches” and feel better. To know more about
how Chinese medicine can help, call 07 3399 1002. Meanwhile,
you can also send us an email to info@artofacupuncture.com.au

January 12, 2021

Common Signs of Diabetes

This video shows the common signs of diabetes. Diabetes is a chronic health condition. Mainly, it affects how your body turns food into energy.
To better understand diabetes, you need to understand how food are used by the body. The
food you eat is broken down into sugar which is also called glucose. Subsequently, the glucose
is then released into the bloodstream. They then travel throughout your organ systems to be
used as energy.

Thus, when the blood sugar in body the goes up, your pancreas releases insulin. Insulin is
responsible for making sure glucose is absorbed by your body and used as energy.

If you have diabetes, there are two scenarios. One is that your body does not produce enough
insulin. And second, your body cannot use the insulin it makes as it should. As a result, glucose
stays in your bloodstream and causes health problems.

Additionally, know the common signs of diabetes today by watching the video.

Aside from practicing a healthy eating habit, complement your efforts with Chinese medicine.
To know more, call 07 3399 1002.
You can also email us at info@artofacupuncture.com.au.

January 6, 2021

What Causes Needle Shock in Acupuncture?

Needle shock in acupuncture rarely happens but it does. Practitioners described it as a
feeling of faintness, chilliness and slight nausea. According to health experts, needle shock
most likely to happen in patients who are nervous about needles.

Meanwhile exhaustion and fatigue can also be contributing factors. Most of the time, needle
shock occurs when a patient has low blood sugar prior to an acupuncture treatment. You see,
one of the health benefits of acupuncture is to lower sugar levels in the body. When a patient
has not eaten before a treatment, there is a higher chance that a patient may experiencing
needle shock.

While needle shock can be uncomfortable, it is not considered harmful. This is why you need
to talk to a licensed acupuncturist to provide you with information with possible side-effects.
This includes how to avoid needle in acupuncture treatment.

To know more, you can click on https://youtu.be/8J4R20TydXI.
Or visit our Brisbane acupuncture clinic at http://artofacupuncture.com.au.

In addition, if you want to learn more about how Chinese medicine can help 
or to schedule an appointment call 07 3399 1002.
You can also email us at info@artofacupuncture.com.au.

January 5, 2021

What Brand of Cupping Therapy Set Do You Use?

Cupping therapy is an ancient alternative medicine. Generally, therapists use special
cups on the skin to create suction. It is a safe and effective treatment for relieving
pain and inflammation. Cupping therapy also increases or promotes proper blood
circulation throughout the body and boost overall wellbeing. it is considered as one
of the best relaxation technique today. The brand of cupping therapy set we use is the
a Korean brand, Dongbang. We tried a different brand of cupping therapy set before.
Unfortunately, it was not of good quality.

To know more, you can click on https://youtu.be/8J4R20TydXI.
Or visit our Brisbane acupuncture clinic at http://artofacupuncture.com.au.

In addition, if you want to learn more about how Chinese medicine can help 
or to schedule an appointment call 07 3399 1002.
You can also email us at info@artofacupuncture.com.au.

January 3, 2021

Globus Hystericus: Tips for Relief

Globus Hystericus (GH) is a subjective feeling of a lump or foreign body in the throat. It
is a condition that arise spontaneously for which the cause is unknown. Additionally,
it thought to involve psychogenic factors, which is a form of somatisation disorder. Most
patients with Globus Hystericus will feel like there is a lump on their throat. They cannot
swallow it or hack it out. It just feels like the a lump is stuck. However, doctors will not find
anything because there is no physical obstructions in there.

To know more, you can click on https://youtu.be/8J4R20TydXI.
Or visit our Brisbane acupuncture clinic at http://artofacupuncture.com.au.

In addition, if you want to learn more about how Chinese medicine can help 
or to schedule an appointment call 07 3399 1002.
You can also email us at info@artofacupuncture.com.au.

December 31, 2020

Reflexology: What is It and Does it Work?

Reflexology is an alternative medical practice. It is also known as zone therapy. This
technique involves the application of pressure to specific points on the hands and feet.
Additionally, it is based on a theory that the hands or feet are connected to certain organs
in the body. Overall, reflexology can help relax the body. And it can also promote healing
to the corresponding body parts. People who study and practice reflexology are called

You can also click on https://youtu.be/8J4R20TydXI.
Or visit our Brisbane acupuncture clinic at http://artofacupuncture.com.au.

In addition, to learn more about how Chinese medicine can help 
or to schedule an appointment call 07 3399 1002.
You can also email us at info@artofacupuncture.com.au.

December 27, 2020

Acupressure or acupuncture: What is more Effective?

Acupressure and acupuncture basically follow the same points in healing the body.
The difference is that acupressure uses firm pressure while acupuncture uses very fine
needles to stimulate bodily functions and blood flow to the body. Watch the video to know

You can also click on https://youtu.be/8J4R20TydXI.
Or visit our Brisbane acupuncture clinic at http://artofacupuncture.com.au.

In addition, to learn more about how Chinese medicine can help 
or to schedule an appointment call 07 3399 1002.
You can also email us at info@artofacupuncture.com.au.

December 25, 2020

Acupressure for Liver Discomfort

Liver discomfort or pain is a dull, throbbing sensation in the upper right abdomen. It can
also feels like a stabbing pain that just take your breath away. So if you are experiencing
any of these symptoms, have it checked right away. To provide you with relief while you
are on your way to the hospital, you can try these acupressure points. However, it is
important to seek immediate help right away.

To know more, you can click on https://youtu.be/8J4R20TydXI.
You may also visit our Brisbane acupuncture clinic at http://artofacupuncture.com.au.

In addition, to learn more about how Chinese medicine can help 
or to schedule an appointment call 07 3399 1002.
You can also email us at info@artofacupuncture.com.au.

December 19, 2020

Acupressure for Gout Pain Relief

Gout is a form of arthritis. It is caused by excess uric acid in the bloodstream. The
excess will be built-up in the body. This deposit usually affects the joint of the big toe.
The affected joint will be swollen with redness and tenderness of the skin. As a result
people with gout find it difficult to walk. It is because gout causes sudden and severe
attacks of pain. To manage the symptoms, the acupressure points shown in the video
can help relieve the pain.

More: https://youtu.be/8J4R20TydXI
Brisbane acupuncture clinic: http://artofacupuncture.com.au

If you would like to learn more about how Chinese medicine can help 
or if you would like to schedule an appointment call 0733991002
or email: info@artofacupuncture.com.au
