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    Tips on cupping therapy and vertigo

December 15, 2020

Tips on Cupping Therapy and Vertigo

Cupping therapy is an ancient form of alternative medicine in which special cups are
used by therapists to create suction. It helps with relieving pain, reducing inflammation
and promoting blood flow, relaxation and well-being. Although cupping is great, it is mostly
used for musculoskeletal pain, tightness and discomfort. Watch the video to know the other
available options for you for vertigo.

More: https://youtu.be/8J4R20TydXI
Brisbane acupuncture clinic: http://artofacupuncture.com.au

If you would like to learn more about how Chinese medicine can help 
or if you would like to schedule an appointment call 0733991002
or email: info@artofacupuncture.com.au
