November 26, 2015
Get Pain Relief Now: Acupuncture for Arthritis
Acupuncture for Arthritis
According to the Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment Manual (2013) Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic systemic inflmammatory disease whose major manifestation is inflammation of multiple joints. The cause is often unknown and if can often cause destruction of the synovial joints.
Patients usually wake up complaining of stiffness in affected joints (usually hands and feet.) Deformities are common as the disease progresses. MRI and imaging usually find narrowing or joint spaces and osteoporosis along with joint erosion. Patients may also complain about dry eye and nodules forming over bony prominences.
NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatories) provide some symptomatic relief in rheumatoid arthritis but do not prevent erosions or alter disease progression. Long dosages of these drugs over time can cause gastro-intestinal ulcers and bleeding. Steroids such as Prednisone may also be used but over time this too can lead to osteoporosis.
In the east, Chinese medicine has been used for thousands of years to treat many ailments such as these. Although there is currently no cure for arthritis, there are several things you can try to control the symptoms and stop it from getting worse. In this article we will discuss 3 different ways Chinese medicine can help naturally:
Chinese Medicine classifies arthritis under cold dampness. Therefore, it is important to avoid cold uncooked food as well as cold drinks. Avoid foods such as sugar,caffeine, salt, dairy, saturated fats and hydrogenated fats. This type of food increases cold and dampness, which may end up increasing the inflammation in the body.
According to Chinese Medicine, Rheumatoid arthritis is classified as wind dampness pathogen. Contributing factors such as long living in a damp environment and contraction of wind, cold, for long periods of time affect the joints. Because blood flow is unable flow properly to that area for long periods of time, energy gets “stuck.” The goal of treatment of RA would be to expel wind and dispel dampness pathogens and warm the channels of the body.
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Herbal Therapy
Herbal therapy essential when treating arthritic pain. Herbal remedies in chronic cases expel the cold and dampness in the body when patients are not receiving treatment and give the body that extra boost it needs to keep the inflammation away.
There is a very effective patent formula called Du Huo Ji Sheng Wan for arthritis. You can pick it up at your local Chinese medicine practitioner and ask for more details. Its main ingredients include Angelica pubescens root and Loranthus stem which are used to treat arthritic and rheumatic disorders. These both have anti- inflammatory and analgesic properties.

Herbs and Acupuncture for Arthritis
If you or someone you know has arthritis acupuncture brisbane is here to help. feel free to send us an email us at or contact us.
*All Videos Filmed With Written Informed Consent
*Results may vary from person to person. Pain relief lasts generally for up to 72 hours. Further assessment is needed to determine treatment outcomes. Videos are for demonstration purposes only. The owner of this website does not claim to cure, or prevent any disease or illness. For more information on how acupuncture works, contact
Bob Wong was raised in a traditional Chinese medicine family and moved to mainland China to study and train for almost a decade. During that time, he was able to learn from some of the top acupuncturists and Chinese Medicine practitioners in at the Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine. His mission is not bring that knowledge and experience to help his patients.
Bob Wong currently maintains an acupuncture practice in the Brisbane area and lectures at the Endeavour College of Natural Health. He is also on the board of advisors for the Acupuncture Now Foundation. For more information you can read his full bio or schedule an appointment.
*The owner of this site is not liable for any misfortune that should befall a visitor to this site.This site does not offer personal advice & no information on it can be construed as personal advice. In the event that you may feel our therapies may be of benefit, we advise you to contact the clinic to make an appointment for diagnosis and treatment.
November 21, 2015
Infant Masssage Techniques For Sleep
November 19, 2015
Healing Is Not Always Linear: Wife’s Wrist Pain
Master Tung Points For wrist Pain
Acupuncture is just like anything else in life. You expect one thing but often times end up with something completely different and you must adapt to the situation.
My wife had severe wrist pain from carrying the baby and the first two treatments simply did not work. It was not only until the 3rd treatment that we started to see results.Most people see immediate results, but with her, perhaps the qi gets stuck in cyberspace somewhere and doesn’t kick in til the next day.
In Brad Whisnant’s Book he talks about how healing is not always linear. Its goes from day to day but unfortunately in today’s fast paced society people expect instant results. Luckily for me, my wife isn’t going anywhere.
The first treatment we did opposite side: wu hu, huo ying, huo zhu, Lv4,Lv5. The pain moved more lateral toward Si channel but still 7/8/10.
Second treatment: Threw a hail Mary and bombed the local pain point spots along the pain points. (for shame I know) result: Nothing.
Third treatment: reworked the pain area flipped through Dr young’s Master Tung Acupuncture Book and did opposite side: wan shun yi, wan shun er, ce san li, ce xia san li.Still no luck the night of but the next morning she told me it was 40% better.
Currently continuing treatment today it is 60% improved and we’re tracking the progress. Day 5 and we are now down to 30% pain. As always, happy wife = happy life.
Bob Wong was raised in a traditional Chinese medicine family and moved to mainland China to study and train for almost a decade. During that time, he was able to learn from some of the top acupuncturists and Chinese Medicine practitioners in at the Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine. His mission is not bring that knowledge and experience to help his patients.
Bob Wong currently maintains an acupuncture practice in the Brisbane area and lectures at the Endeavour College of Natural Health. For more information you can read his full bio or schedule andappointment.
*The owner of this site is not liable for any misfortune that should befall a visitor to this site.This site does not offer personal advice & no information on it can be construed as personal advice. In the event that you may feel our therapies may be of benefit, we advise you to contact the clinic to make an appointment for diagnosis and treatment.
November 18, 2015
Easy To Learn Infant Massage Techniques For Sleep
Pediatric Tui Na massage Techniques For Sleep
Pediatric Tui Na or Chinese infant massage can be very effective when you have a baby that is unsettled and does not want to go to sleep. I actually learned these technique way back in school and never thought anything of them until we had a baby ourselves.
These techniques are very easy to learn and require no tools, and very simple yet effective. You can do these techniques along the bladder channel which are the muscles right next to the spine (see video below.)
These are great to work on because they represent different organs along the nervous system and helps release those tight muscles that may be overworked from crawling all day and destroying things. (you’d be surprised how tight they are once you start massaging them.)Here are three easy to learn massage techniques that you can do to help calm the littles ones before bed
1)Kneading (rou fa)Press two fingers on a point or area, rotate them in a circular motion slowly and moving down the back from top to bottom.
2) Pinching and Pulling (nie fa)
This technique is commonly used on the paraspinal muscles, (the muscles next to the spine). Start at the base of the neck and move down in a straight line progressing toward the buttocks. Pinch a small amount of muscle tissue up between your index finger and thumb with a firm but gentle pressure. Then, continue to roll your thumbs forward as you release and grab more muscle tissue.. This technique is used for general well being as well as digestive issues. For constipation start from the top and work toward the bottom and for diarrhea work from bottom to top.
3) Straight Pushing (zhi tui fa)
Push your palm, in a straight line down the back slowly repeatedly about 60-100 times per minute.
All techniques should be used with gentle force.
Bob Wong was raised in a traditional Chinese medicine family and moved to mainland China to study and train for almost a decade. During that time, he was able to learn from some of the top acupuncturists and Chinese Medicine practitioners in at the Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine. His mission is not bring that knowledge and experience to help his patients.
Bob Wong currently maintains an acupuncture practice in the Brisbane area and lectures at the Endeavour College of Natural Health. For more information you can read his full bio or schedule andappointment.
*The owner of this site is not liable for any misfortune that should befall a visitor to this site.This site does not offer personal advice & no information on it can be construed as personal advice. In the event that you may feel our therapies may be of benefit, we advise you to contact the clinic to make an appointment for diagnosis and treatment.
*Caution please do not use these techniques on any open wounds, sores, or any areas that may be injured. If in doubt please consult your physician.
November 12, 2015
Shoulder Pain Acupuncture Brisbane Case study
Shoulder Pain Acupuncture Brisbane
This video is a shoulder pain acupuncture Brisbane Case study. This was a sports injury patient who came in with pain when rotating his shoulder outward. We used several master tung points to relieve the pain and she was able to move his arm with much more range of motion afterward.
Bob Wong was raised in a traditional Chinese medicine family and moved to mainland China to study and train for almost a decade. During that time, he was able to learn from some of the top acupuncturists and Chinese Medicine practitioners in at the Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine. His mission is not bring that knowledge and experience to help his patients.
Bob Wong currently maintains an acupuncture practice in the Brisbane area and lectures at the Endeavour College of Natural Health. For more information you can read his full bio or schedule andappointment.
*The owner of this site is not liable for any misfortune that should befall a visitor to this site.This site does not offer personal advice & no information on it can be construed as personal advice. In the event that you may feel our therapies may be of benefit, we advise you to contact the clinic to make an appointment for diagnosis and treatment.
November 12, 2015
Frozen Shoulder Treatment Pain Relief acupuncture Brisbane
November 10, 2015
3 Ways your Acupuncturist Can Help With Hypertension
Lowering Blood Pressure WIth Traditional Chinese Medicine
High blood pressure, otherwise known as hypertension is all too common these days among the aging population. According to a recent American CDC study nearly half of all americans (47%) have uncontrolled high blood pressure which puts them at risk for heart attack and heart disease.
Although we highly recommend seeing your doctor first for hypertension, acupuncturists can also be able to help control high blood pressure as well. Here are 3 ways an acupuncturist can help:
1) Herbal recommendations:
Often times, your Chinese Medicine practitioner will recommend herbs for you to take for hypertension. A common herbal formula would be Tianma Gouteng Yin Formula. However, due to the many different syndrome differentiations & categories hypertension can be under in Chinese Medicine, It is highly suggested to go and see a trained professional for herbal recommendations.
2) Dietary Changes:
Often times hypertension is a result of poor lifestyle habits and choices accumulated over a number of years/decades. Your practitioner may recommend certain foods to eat more or less of according to your own individual constitution.
3) Acupuncture:
Aside from regular acupuncture treatments, there is also a technique called bleeding ear apex your practitioner may use. Bleeding the tip of ear (extra point er jian) sometimes may lower BP instantly.
The tip of the ear is sterilized and then a slight prick with a lancet is done and lets out a few small drops of blood (sounds much worse than it really is) and then the BP is checked again afterward.

ear apex point
Although mostly used in acute situations, this technique comes in quite handy. When I was working at the hospital in China we would often get patients with high BP, so we would often use this technique. If it still was high afterward we would send them directly to the emergency department downstairs. Video demonstration below:
Bob Wong currently maintains an acupuncture practice in the Brisbane area and lectures at the Endeavour College of Natural Health. For more information you can read his full bio or schedule andappointment.
*The owner of this site is not liable for any misfortune that should befall a visitor to this site.This site does not offer personal advice & no information on it can be construed as personal advice. In the event that you may feel our therapies may be of benefit, we advise you to contact the clinic to make an appointment for diagnosis and treatment.