November 26, 2019
Great Book For Gut Issues

This is not to be used as medical advice. If you are unsure please contact your GP or local doctor
Bob Wong was raised in a traditional Chinese medicine family and moved to mainland China to study and train for almost a decade. During that time, he was able to learn from some of the top acupuncturists and Chinese Medicine practitioners in at the Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine. His mission is to bring that knowledge and experience to help his patients.
Bob Wong currently maintains an acupuncture practice in the Brisbane area and lectures for workshops and seminars for practitioners..For more information, you can read his full bio or schedule an appointment.
*The owner of this site is not liable for any misfortune that should befall a visitor to this site. This site does not offer personal advice & no information on it can be construed as personal advice. In the event that you may feel our therapies may be of benefit, we advise you to contact the clinic to make an appointment for diagnosis and treatment.
September 10, 2018
Instant Relief Buttock Pain SIJ Sciatic Acupressure
Buttock Pain SIJ Sciatic Pain Relief Acupressure
Youtube Video HERE
If you would like to learn more about acupressure and how Chinese medicine can help optimize your health click here:
1 MIN SIJ Buttock and Sciatic Pain Instant Relief
Sciatic and SIJ and buttock pain is another one of the top reasons why people come see us at our Acunpuncture clinic.
Here is a quick acupressure point you can try to take the edge off:
-This point is located on your shoulder near your teres major and teres minor muscle (see video). Press or knead for 15-20 or 30 seconds. Stop and check your buttock pain.
-Always opposite side! If the pain is on your right side buttock use the left shoulder. If pain is one left side, use the right shoulder.
– Stop after 1-2 min and check again. Usually its either 30 -50% gone or completely gone. It may require further treatment but at least it will take the pain away until you get into your therapist.
If you would like to learn more about acupressure and how Chinese medicine can help optimize your health click here:
If you would like to schedule an appointment to see if we can help resolve the problem give us a call or email:
Brisbane appointments
07 3399 1002
pocket physio used in video is available from Lockeroom Sports
*Caution: This is not to be used as medical advice. If you are unsure please contact your GP or local doctor
Bob Wong was raised in a traditional Chinese medicine family and moved to mainland China to study and train for almost a decade. During that time, he was able to learn from some of the top acupuncturists and Chinese Medicine practitioners in at the Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine. His mission is not bring that knowledge and experience to help his patients.
Bob Wong currently maintains an acupuncture practice in the Brisbane area and lectures for workshops and seminars for practitioners..For more information you can read his full bio or schedule and appointment.
*The owner of this site is not liable for any misfortune that should befall a visitor to this site.This site does not offer personal advice & no information on it can be construed as personal advice. In the event that you may feel our therapies may be of benefit, we advise you to contact the clinic to make an appointment for diagnosis and treatment.
September 9, 2018
Stroke Acupuncture Case Study Hemiplegia R Side
Acupuncture being performed by Dr James Liu for stroke patient
What is Stroke?
A stroke happens when blood flow to an area of brain is cut off. It can happen to anyone at any time no matter what age. Brain cells are deprived of oxygen and begin to die causing impairment of different motor functions and neurological deficits. Severity of the stroke depends on where the stroke occurs in the how much the brain is damaged. Problems such as temporary weakness of an arm or leg on one side may occur and people who have larger strokes may be permanently paralysed on one side of their body and even lose their ability to speak.
Stroke Statistics
- 795,000 per year in the USA
- 15 million worldwide
- 4th leading cause of death per year
- 1st leading cause of neurological disability
- 2/3 occur > age 65 but younger
Risk factors
- Atherosclerosis (plaque build up in the arteries)
- Chronic Hypertension (high blood pressure)
- Heart Disease
- Hypercholesterolemia
- Heavy Alcohol use
Types of Stroke
There are two types of stroke, Hemorrhagic and Ischemic. A hemorrhagic stroke occurs when there is a break or rupture in the blood vessels in the brain. The other type which is Ischemic stroke, occurs when there is a blood clot or plaque blocking blood flow to the brain. The last one is called TIA (transient ischemic attack) or mini stroke presents itself very much like an Ishemic stroke but lasts a few minutes or up to several hours. (Stroke Foundation)
Conventional Treatments for Stroke
Stroke is an emergency situation that requires immediate medical care. Patients are usually hospitalized for monitoring of vital signs and life support. Once symptoms are stabilized, patients will be discharged. As the brain starts to heal, some functions will return slowly but only to a limited extent. In order to recover more, rehabilitation therapy is needed.
Hemorrhagic stroke patients may require a surgery to drain the blood that has accumulated, to relieve the compression in the brain. In severe cases where there is swelling of the brain, a piece of the skull is removed to help decompress the brain.
Ischemic stroke patients are often given warfarin (also known by brand name coumadin). Warfarin is an anti-coagulant, a blood thinner. It prevents formation of new clots but it does nothing about clots that have already formed. Drugs known as “clot busting drugs” are also used help dissolve the clot as well once the location of the stroke is known. Sometimes a catheter is inserted into the area of the brain that is affected and the clot is removed surgically.
Once the acute stage is over and the stroke patient has stabilised, physical and occupational begins. It is a long and arduous process. Often times, progress is slow and it can be frustrating for the patient. The first 3 months are often the hardest. Patients are taught to reuse their affected side of the body again. Generally the recovery window for stroke recovery is 2 years. However, new research is now coming out that patients can still recover up to 5 years.
Stroke patients often feel tired and have no energy, That is because the brain is still trying to recover from and injury but at the same time still being used for daily functions. Imaging having a computer but having 15 apps running in the background. Although there may not appear to be much going on from the outside, there is so much happening in the brain because the brain is trying to multi=task so many things at once. On top of that, blood-thinning medications further induce fatigue because it causes stress on the liver to process the medication.
Goals of Treatment
The goal of any treatment of stroke, whether it is western or eastern medicine, is to help get the patient better. The goals are to not only relieve pain, but to give patients back the mobility and try to regain quality of life. This will require work not just from the therapist, but from the patient themselves and the support of loved ones
Does Acupuncture Work for Stroke Recovery?
One of the major key factors in whether or not acupuncture can help stroke patients is time. The sooner a patient can get acupuncture treatment, the better likelihood of good lasting results. The longer the wait, the more likely the muscles deteriorate and will be harder to make a full recovery. It is vital the patient keep moving and active to get the blood circulating again.
What is Scalp Acupuncture?
Scalp acupuncture has been practiced for thousands of years, dating back to ancient China. In modern acupuncture today it is one the most common treatments used for post-stroke recovery and as the name suggests, involves inserting acupuncture needles into acupoints in the scalp. In fact, scalp acupuncture rather than regular body treatment appears to be much more effective at treating neurological conditions including stroke.

Dr. Zhu performing acupuncture for stroke
The system we use at our clinic was discovered by Dr. Zhu Ming Qing, who is world famous for his work in helping stroke patients in their recovery. By combining traditional Chinese Medicine theory and western anatomy, points along the scalp are used to stimulate the brain and increase blood flow to the affected area.
How can Scalp Acupuncture assist stroke recovery?
Scalp acupuncture can be an effective way to improve neurological symptoms, including difficulty speaking/writing/reading, memory loss & reduction of motor skills, which can occur post-stroke.
The acupuncture needle insertion sites, being much closer to the affected areas of the brain, are believed to encourage the brains neuroplasticity by stimulating the cerebral cortex (region of the brain responsible for memory, perception, learning, cognition, awareness, language & motor function) (1). The needles are often stimulated slightly by the acupuncturist (this cannot be felt by the patient) and often left in for a number of hours afterwards.
How many treatments will it take to see results?
Normally, a course of 6 treatments is suggested to start with to see how the patient reacts. There should be some improvement in motor function during that time. If no improvement we do not suggest further treatment.
I’ve had a stroke a long time ago. Can acupuncture still help me?
Usually the more time has passed, the worse the prognosis. That doesn’t mean it is impossible. Often times we have patients who have had improvement in range of motion in the limbs and improvement in balance. Although 100% will be hard to achieve they may still improve their quality of life.
Questions on Stroke Acupuncture Brisbane? Email us at
Bob Wong was raised in a traditional Chinese medicine family and moved to mainland China to study and train for almost a decade. During that time, he was able to learn from some of the top acupuncturists and Chinese Medicine practitioners in at the Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine. His mission is not bring that knowledge and experience to help his patients.
Bob Wong currently maintains an acupuncture practice in the Brisbane area and lectures for workshops and seminars for practitioners..For more information you can read his full bio or schedule and appointment.
*The owner of this site is not liable for any misfortune that should befall a visitor to this site.This site does not offer personal advice & no information on it can be construed as personal advice. In the event that you may feel our therapies may be of benefit, we advise you to contact the clinic to make an appointment for diagnosis and treatment.
stroke foundation:
December 27, 2017
Acupuncture for Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neuropathy
Can Acupuncture help with Peripheral Neuropathy
Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neruopathy (CIPN) is a common and often severe side effect of a number of chemotherapy treatments with symptoms generally appearing in a dose dependent & progressive manner throughout treatment. In fact, up-to 1 in 4 patients receiving chemotherapy may develop some form of peripheral neuropathy. Unfortunately for many, these symptoms rarely alleviate once chemotherapy have been ceased. Acupuncture has showed promising results when administered in adjunct to chemotherapy in order to alleviate symptoms & improve quality of life in a number of cases.
What is Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neuropathy?
CIPN is defined as damage to the peripheral nerves resulting in weakness, paraesthesia “pins & needles”, numbness, loss of proprioception & pain. These symptoms mainly appear in the hand & feet of the individual, however can also affect many other areas &/or functionality of the body. The specific set of symptoms a person may experience is reliant upon whether sensory, motor or autonomic nerves have been affected.
- Motor Nerves | control muscle movement.
- Sensory Nerve Damage | control & receive sensations (i.e. temperature, pain, touch, vibration).
- Autonomic Nerve Damage | control automatic processes (i.e. blood pressure, heart rate, digestion & bladder function)
Can acupuncture assist me?
Acupuncture has been clinically trialled & found to be up to effective in the management of CIPN. Research conducted by Donald, Tobin & Stringer (2011) reported 82% of patients receiving a total of 6 acupuncture sessions reported an improvement in CIPN symptoms. Treatment was also found to have additional benefits including improved sleep quality, stress reduction & improved moods.
A systematic review conducted by Franconi et. al (2013) found acupuncture to be effective in reducing pain scores in patients experiencing CIPN across most studies included in the review. A number of studies showed positive effects of acupuncture on motor & sensory symptoms associate with CIPN & improve quality of life for the participants significantly.
Acupuncture may also have a beneficial influence over inflammatory pathways which may contribute & precipitate CIPN symptoms such as pain & loss of mobility. Activation of the nervous system may also be responsible for the reduction of symptoms & rehabilitation of normal functionality including mobility, muscle control & sensory
For more information regarding CIPN & acupuncture please email or click here to book a consultation.
Special Offer
Initial Exam $47
Call Now
Bob Wong was raised in a traditional Chinese medicine family and moved to mainland China to study and train for almost a decade. During that time, he was able to learn from some of the top acupuncturists and Chinese Medicine practitioners in at the Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine. His mission is not bring that knowledge and experience to help his patients.
*Results may vary from person to person. The owner of this website does not claim to cure, or prevent any disease or illness. For more information on how acupuncture works, contact
December 11, 2017
Can Acupuncture Assist in Management of Anxiety?
Anxiety is a very common condition, in fact, it’s the most common mental health condition in Australia. On average 1 in 4 people will experience anxiety at some stage in their life. That’s a lot of people experiencing anxiety.
It’s important to understand that anxiety is much more than just feeling stressed or worried from time to time, It’s a chronic mental health condition & for many individuals can become a lifelong battle. It is characterised by ‘a persistent feeling of dread, apprehension & impending disaster or tension and uneasiness’ and so much so that it’s significant impairs the individual’s ability to live a normal life. Everyday tasks can become incredibly difficult & even a major trigger in some cases.
Acupuncture is a non-invasive alternative medicine modality which has been successfully used in the treatment of anxiety for many years. So how exactly does it help manage anxiety & how do I know if I’m the right candidate?….
Can Acupuncture help manage Anxiety?
There are many different strategies that can be utilised to aid in the management of anxiety. Acupuncture may be successfully used to alleviate symptoms associated with anxiety & assist the individuals’ recovery. In fact, research is beginning to catch up & prove the capability of acupuncture to reduce chronic symptoms associated with anxiety.
A literature review published in the prestigious British Medical Journal (BMJ) (2007), focusing on the efficacy of using acupuncture to relieve anxiety, compared results from 10 randomised control trials. They concluded that acupuncture was beneficial for the management of both situational & generalised anxiety. In a separate literature review published in CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics (2011) researchers found that acupuncture was as effective as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) in the treatment of anxiety.
Will Acupuncture be right for me?
Due to acupuncture’s non-invasive & gentle nature it really is suitable for anyone. However always consult with your health care professional prior to commencement of any new treatment strategies.

acupuncture anxiety
How does Acupuncture help manage anxiety?
The principle by which acupuncture is able to assist individuals manage their anxiety is based upon the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) philosophy that health is dependent of the fluent & balanced movement of energy throughout the main channels of the body. Intense stress & emotion, as experienced during anxiety, begins to disrupt & block this flow of energy resulting in a number of the chronic physical & psychological symptoms suffers may experience including panic, sweating, headaches, muscle tension & even insomnia.
Acupuncture seeks to address imbalances between body, mind, emotions & spirit. It achieves this by improving circulation & oxygenation of the entire body, particularly the brain. Acupuncture may also stimulate the nervous system & facilitate natural production of endorphins & enkephalins, the body’s natural feel good hormones. This essentially means that acupuncture aims to alleviate stress & reduce the impact it has on physical & emotional health by essentially “resetting the nervous system”.
If you or a loved one are experiencing anxiety and would like to inquire about treatment options please email or click here to book a consultation.
*Results may vary from person to person. The owner of this website does not claim to cure, or prevent any disease or illness. For more information on how acupuncture works, contact
- Beyond Blue (Anxiety)
- Pilkington K, Kirkwood G, Rampes H, et al’ Acupuncture for anxiety and anxiety disorders – a systematic literature review’, Acupuncture in Medicine 2007;25:1-10.
- Errington-Evans, N, ‘Acupuncture for Anxiety’, CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics2011,
August 24, 2017
Scalp Acupuncture for Dizziness
Scalp Acupuncture for Dizziness
Wife had dizziness the other day and we did a quick treatment.
*Results may vary from person to person. The owner of this website does not claim to cure, or prevent any disease or illness. For more information on how acupuncture works, contact
Bob Wong was raised in a traditional Chinese medicine family and moved to mainland China to study and train for almost a decade. During that time, he was able to learn from some of the top acupuncturists and Chinese Medicine practitioners in at the Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine. His mission is not bring that knowledge and experience to help his patients.
Bob Wong currently maintains an acupuncture practice in the Brisbane area. For more information you can read his full bio or schedule and appointment.
*The owner of this site is not liable for any misfortune that should befall a visitor to this site.This site does not offer personal advice & no information on it can be construed as personal advice. In the event that you may feel our therapies may be of benefit, we advise you to contact the clinic to make an appointment for diagnosis and treatment.
June 1, 2017
Brain Injury Improvement with Acupuncture
Patient 75, M. Traumatic brain injury 2015. Has had balance hearing and low back problems since. We first tested the gait tandem (walk a straight line and he was unable to do so properly)
Since the cerebellum was the effected part the rain in charge of balance we needled the corresponding points. His balance was able to improve within the first 12 minutes. It took a few more treatments to stablise and keep the consistent results but he is doing much better today.
*Results may vary from person to person. The owner of this website does not claim to cure, or prevent any disease or illness. For more information on how acupuncture works, contact
Bob Wong was raised in a traditional Chinese medicine family and moved to mainland China to study and train for almost a decade. During that time, he was able to learn from some of the top acupuncturists and Chinese Medicine practitioners in at the Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine. His mission is not bring that knowledge and experience to help his patients.
Bob Wong currently maintains an acupuncture practice in the Brisbane area. For more information you can read his full bio or schedule and appointment.
*The owner of this site is not liable for any misfortune that should befall a visitor to this site.This site does not offer personal advice & no information on it can be construed as personal advice. In the event that you may feel our therapies may be of benefit, we advise you to contact the clinic to make an appointment for diagnosis and treatment.
Art of Acupuncture Brisbane
Vive Health Clinic
36 Riding Rd Hawthorne QLD
Phone number 07 3399 1002
*Results may vary from person to person. Videos are for demonstration purposes only. The owner of this website does not claim to cure, or prevent any disease or illness. For more information on how acupuncture works, contact
April 2, 2017
Plantar Fasciitis Treatment with Acupuncture
Plantar fasciitis acupuncture treatment in Brisbane
Plantar Fasciitis is inflammation of the plantar fascia, which is on the bottom of your foot. What happens is patients usually wake up early in the morning and their feet is really, really sore and takes about 10-20 minutes to really warm-up. They feel like they are walking in razor blades, there’s a sharp sensation at the bottom of the heel. Plantar Fasciitis is also common in runners. Roughly takes 10% of running injuries. It also accounts 11-15% of all heel pain.
Traditional treatments include Orthotics, going to Physio, doing exercises, shockwave therapy, PRP injections and these treatments are often expensive and ineffective. If you tried all these and nothing else has worked for you, acupuncture maybe an option for you.
With acupuncture, what happens is needles are placed either on the fingers, on the hands or on the scalp. This is used to stimulate the body’s limbic system. Once the body’s limbic system is stimulated the brain produces endorphins, which is your body’s natural pain killer. From then on, the patient is encouraged to move, stretch and actually do some exercises to encourage local blood flow. As treatments progressed should be able to see improvement with each and every session.
Thank you for watching this video. If you have any questions about treatment of Plantar Fasciitis using Chinese medicine, please send us an email at
example case study below:
*All Videos Filmed With Written Informed Consent
*Results may vary from person to person. The owner of this website does not claim to cure, or prevent any disease or illness. For more information on how acupuncture works, contact
Bob Wong was raised in a traditional Chinese medicine family and moved to mainland China to study and train for almost a decade. During that time, he was able to learn from some of the top acupuncturists and Chinese Medicine practitioners in at the Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine. His mission is not bring that knowledge and experience to help his patients.
Bob Wong currently maintains an acupuncture practice in the Brisbane area and lectures at the Endeavour College of Natural Health. For more information you can read his full bio or schedule and appointment.
*The owner of this site is not liable for any misfortune that should befall a visitor to this site.This site does not offer personal advice & no information on it can be construed as personal advice. In the event that you may feel our therapies may be of benefit, we advise you to contact the clinic to make an appointment for diagnosis and treatment.
March 27, 2017
Treating Arthritis: A Chinese Medicine Approach
Acupuncture for Arthritis
Acupuncture for Arthritis
Western medicine and Treatment
According to The Current Medical Diagnosis, Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic systemic inflammatory disease whose major manifestation is synovitis of multiple joints. The cause is not known.Untreated, rheumatoid arthritis causes joint destruction with consequent disability and shortens life expectancy. Early, aggressive treatment is the standard of care.
Patients usually wake up complaining of stiffness in affected joints (usually hands and feet.) Deformities are common as the disease progresses. MRI and imaging usually find narrowing or joint spaces and osteoporosis along with joint erosion. Patients may also complain about dry eye and nodules forming over bony prominences.
NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatories) provide some symptomatic relief in rheumatoid arthritis but do not prevent erosions or alter disease progression. Large dosages of these drugs over time can cause gastro-intestinal ulcers and bleeding in the stomach. Steroids such as Prednisone may also be used but over time this too can lead to osteoporosis.
A Chinese Medicine Approach
Acupuncture Therapy
According to Chinese Medicine, Rheumatoid arthritis is classified as wind dampness pathogen. Contributing factors such as long living in a damp environment and contraction of wind, cold, for long periods of time affect the joints. Because blood flow is unable flow properly to that area for long periods of time, energy gets “stuck.” The goal of treatment of RA would be to expel wind and dispel dampness pathogens and warm the channels of the body.
Acupuncture for Rheumatoid Arthritis:
Youtube Video HERE
Youtube Video HERE
Herbal Therapy
Du Huo Ji Sheng Wan (独活寄生丸)
Chinese Herbal are used expel the cold and dampness in the body (often seen in RA patients) when patients are not receiving treatment and give the body that extra boost it needs to keep the inflammation away.
There is a very effective patent formula called Du Huo Ji Sheng Wan (独活寄生丸) for for lower back pain. The main ingredients include Angelica pubescens root and Loranthus stem which are used to treat arthritic and orthopedic disorders. These both have anti- inflammatory and analgesic properties.Your practitioner may prescribe these herbs to help relieve inflammation and kick start the healing process.

Chinese Herbal patent formula for Arthritis
Tumeric supplements
turmeric can also be an additional aid for arthritic pain For more info please click HERE
*All Videos Filmed With Written Informed Consent
*Results may vary from person to person. Pain relief lasts generally for up to 72 hours. Further assessment is needed to determine treatment outcomes. Videos are for demonstration purposes only. The owner of this website does not claim to cure, or prevent any disease or illness. For more information on how acupuncture works, contact
Bob Wong was raised in a traditional Chinese medicine family and moved to mainland China to study and train for almost a decade. During that time, he was able to learn from some of the top acupuncturists and Chinese Medicine practitioners in at the Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine. His mission is not bring that knowledge and experience to help his patients.
Bob Wong currently maintains an acupuncture practice in the Brisbane area and lectures at the Endeavour College of Natural Health. For more information you can read his full bio or schedule and appointment.
*The owner of this site is not liable for any misfortune that should befall a visitor to this site.This site does not offer personal advice & no information on it can be construed as personal advice. In the event that you may feel our therapies may be of benefit, we advise you to contact the clinic to make an appointment for diagnosis and treatment.
December 16, 2016
Wife’s Knee Pain
Wife’s Knee Pain was getting kind of out of hand when I saw her hobbling around a bit after she gave birth to our daughter. We had some extra time so decided to do a knee pain treatment I learned from Dr.Zhu.
Bob Wong was raised in a traditional Chinese medicine family and moved to mainland China to study and train for almost a decade. During that time, he was able to learn from some of the top acupuncturists and Chinese Medicine practitioners in at the Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine. His mission is not bring that knowledge and experience to help his patients.
Bob Wong currently maintains an acupuncture practice in the Brisbane Hawthorne area and lectures at the Endeavour College of Natural Health. For more information you can read his full bio or schedule and appointment.
*The owner of this site is not liable for any misfortune that should befall a visitor to this site.This site does not offer personal advice & no information on it can be construed as personal advice. In the event that you may feel our therapies may be of benefit, we advise you to contact the clinic to make an appointment for diagnosis and treatment.