October 23, 2016
Acupressure point for Bloating
Acupressure point for Bloating
Bloating is often characterised by abnormal fullness or swelling in the abdominal area. It can be due to a variety of related issues such as digestive disorders, hormonal problems, allergies, and in some cases even cancer. Most of us have experienced bloating at one time in our life or another.
One of the more common causes of bloating can be IBS (irritable bowel syndrome.) according to the Singapore Medical Association,Up to 96% of IBS patients(6) experience bloating, compared to 20%–30% of the general population.(7,8) Approximately 50% of patients with bloating also experience an increase in abdominal girth of up to 12 cm. Bloating has a significant impact on quality of life (QOL)(9) and brings about great psychological distress.

ST43 acupressure point for bloating
Often times bloating often categorised under “unknown,” it is often difficult to find a cure for it. A great acupressure point for bloating is an acupuncture point called xiang gu (ST43.) It is located directly between the two tendons of your second and third toes. Below is a video on how to perform acupressure on this point:
Wong, WM. “Restriction of FODMAP in the management of bloating in irritable bowel syndrome.”Singapore Med J 2016; 5.
Bob Wong currently maintains an acupuncture practice in the Brisbane area and lectures at the Endeavour College of Natural Health. For more information you can read his full bio or schedule and appointment.
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